【同义词辨析】 2017-09-22 物体thing-article

thing: refers to 1) whatever can be known or inferred as existing in space and time as OPPOSED to one existing only in thought: virtue is not a ~, but attribute(属性) of a ~; 2) or to an inanimate entity as opposed to living beings, esp. persons: she treasures each ~ she buys.

object: stresses existence separate from from the observer, and typically applies to sth. that can be set before one to be viewed, considered or contemplated: concentrated on the atom as an ~ of study. or that has body and usually substance and shape: stumbled over some unknown ~ in the dark room.

article: is used chiefly of objects that are members of a class, group: picked up several ~ of clothing that the boy dropped.

thing物体: 多义词 1) 可以感知或推导、在时空中而非头脑中存在的东西 2)无生命东西,而非有生命,特别不能用于。 object: 强调独立于观察者(即客观),观察研究的物体,或者泛指有实体形状物体。 article: 一般指一组事物中的一个成员

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想TOA--> An Old Thing一件老物品。

         2)物体的意思是实际存在东西mean something considered as having actual, distinct, and demonstrable existence.